This website belongs to Philip Hazel. It contains a separate page for Philip's Music Writer (PMW), a music typesetting program. You can also download a PDF of Philip's technical autobiographical memoir From Punched Cards To Flat Screens and the sources of some other programs written by Philip Hazel:
aspic is a program for turning a textual description of a line drawing into PostScript or Scalable Vector Graphics for inclusion in another document. The latest release is aspic-2.00.tar.gz (October 2022).
B2PF is a small library of functions for converting "base" characters in Unicode strings into appropriate "presentation forms" for display or printing. The library was inspired by the need to do this for characters in Arabic scripts, but as it is configurable, it can be used (with an appropriate configuration) in any situation where this kind of transformation is required. The latest release is b2pf-0.10.tar.gz (September 2020).
NE is a text editor. The latest release is ne-3.24.tar.gz (March 2025).
sdop is a typesetting program for turning a subset of DocBook XML into formatted PostScript, used for the PMW and other manuals. The latest release is sdop-1.10.tar.bz2 (April 2023).
xfpt is a program for turning a simple plain text markup into DocBook XML. The latest release is xfpt-1.00.tar.bz2 (March 2023).
The following software developed by Philip Hazel is available from other sources.
For the Exim mail transfer agent, see Philip no longer works on Exim.
For the PCRE2 regular expression library, see